The Divine Strength Diet Plan
God's Way to Eating and Living a Balanced Life
In this book, you'll discover the BENEFITS of eating and living a BALANCED life God's way!
God's WHOLISTIC approach and why it's the BEST approach to achieving healthy weight loss.
How to save TIME and MONEY by giving you the divine tools to create your very own personalized and balanced diet plan.
The DIVINE PYRAMID and the DIVINE FIT PYRAMID and why this book is part of God's plan for you.
Divine PRAYERS for HEALING and a 40-day divine journal
Restorative fitness plan designed to align, strengthen, and destress your body.​​
My Story
How many of you know that great things can start in your living room? Well, this is what happened to me I had been praying and seeking the Lord about my IBS that I had been suffering with for 5 years and the Lord answered my prayer as I was sitting on my living room couch. In an instant, He gave me an impression of what a balanced diet was and what it looked like. So I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and started writing and this is where a 20-year journey began. I would continue to write as I cooked as I cleaned my house and as I worked at my gym.
Then I found that dietary information would come my way or just show up. I was so thankful to the Lord because after implementing the dietary changes into my everyday life within two days my IBS symptoms were gone. It was a miracle...but at the same time, it also taught me how powerful a balanced diet can be and how divine foods in the right portions can bring healing to our bodies. It is how God created our bodies to absorb nutrients from the foods He's given to us which in turn gives us more energy.
A balanced diet is key to carrying out the purpose and plan He has for us. Plus, for years I had clients and family members ask me what diet I would recommend and with good conscious, I really couldn't recommend many because I felt they were too extreme and frankly unbalanced. But what began as a blessing for me turned into something much larger than I ever expected. Isn't that how God works He blessed me by giving me the divine revelation to healing my IBS so that I could impart that same revelation and knowledge to you.
I always say that my book is not an end all be all but it is a really good start to understanding how God wants to eat and live a balanced life. It works because when you see things from God's perspective and God's way it brings a deeper understanding of the "whys" and this beloved is where the transformation begins. I have no doubt that my book, online coaching programs and challenges will not only help you feel better and look better but will help you rejuvenate your spirit, help you to train your body, balance your blood, and renew your mind the way God intended.
May God bless your divine health journey,